Thursday, December 28, 2023

The AMA: A two faced-organization.


False ideological narratives, political hypocrisy, and obtrusive partisanships are increasingly destroying our world, our country, and society at large. From the terrifying mischaracterization of objective realities to openly deceitful blatant lies spewed by many, it seems that this moral bankruptcy has reached an all-time epidemic high in recent years. We need to address this world/societal pernicious and myopic view rather fast. But, of course, how can we, the few, correct this unsustainable dizzying trend when everyone else supports it– the exact opposite?

We see this with former reputable leaders or former highly regarded business entities or even academia, including The AMA, who have spent countless hours pushing false narratives about the PA profession. Even openly dismissing our solid and rightfully earned a place in the healthcare industry as legitimate credible healthcare providers. But it turns out, this has & continues to be a two-faced manipulation and hypocritical stance. 

For example, the AMA peddles safety skepticism on our patient care outcomes and vigorously calls for PA practice restrictions. Physicians for Patient Protection, a national physician nonprofit watchdog group, pushes & spreads misinformation and even outright lies by mischaracterizing our outstanding 5 decades of cost-effectiveness when it comes to PA care improving access and quality of care. 

This type of hypocritical monopoly just shows their modus operandus: push these lies continually to the American medical consumer, and they will be bound to unquestionably believe it hence securing their marketplace monopoly. They practiced subtle pandering in years past, however, that’s no longer the case. Nowadays they are very open about it by creating and forging “the national stop the Scope of Practice Creep”. But, now this deception is out in the open calling for immediate denialism (SOP statewide restrictions) on APPs' progressive evolution). 

The juxtaposition between the AMA’s and AAPA’s position on this point of contention has fueled significant animosity between both organizations. They both staunchly vouch for their constituency rights in the marketplace. Naturally so, given the natural outgrowth & replacement of our old moniker “Physician Assistant '' to Physician Associate passed by the APPAs House of Directors hod. The stark contrast of philosophical differences couldn’t be worlds apart between these two organizations. It is beyond staggering. 

It's not a surprise that they no longer have any professional trust given the fostering of an arrogant acrimonious AMA perspective when it comes to PA practice. For the majority of the PA community, we have learned privately that our counterparts (Specialty Physician Organizations/groups) prefer the old physician patriarchal interprofessional relationships as opposed to the emerging collaborative team practice model. 

So what must we do to eradicate this malady? Answer, educate, educate, and tirelessly educate some more about the intrinsic value we bring to the table. Be a proud PA activist; we Physician Associates/Assistants matter now more than ever before. 

There is no way to excuse this kind of veiled bullying behavior, especially in an already fragmented & polarized healthcare industry. It is damaging to our society and the future well-being of our patient community. This virtue signaling is horrendously bad, they know they are being deceitful. Sadly, to this author/us, this is a grave betrayal of trust and epitomizes the moral bankruptcy of the AMA. They should be reminded they have a huge platform and therefore an equally huge responsibility to tell the truth and be inclusive and deliberate in practicing interprofessional acceptance transparently. 

We, society, policymakers, and all industry stakeholders must hold the media, medical societies, physician groups &The AMA, and or any unethical organization accountable. Demand them to immediately cease promoting & fueling skepticism, misinformation, and mischaracterization about The PA community!!!

Simply continue demanding the truth by holding them accountable in all their professional transactions with us–the PA Community as well as the medical consumer.

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