Showing posts with label Stories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stories. Show all posts

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Keeping the Faith despite the stories they tell

As the year comes to a close & after 34-plus years as a practicing PA and medical educator, I've never seen the level of inter-professional and intrap-rofessional intolerance seen nowadays in the healthcare industry. It has become practically Toxicity on steroids. All boils down to constant daily undermining transactional attacks of one form or another, whether very subtle to openly overtly. I see this daily in how some people and professional groups have made their personal and professional intolerant ideologies an urgent mission to be instilled and implemented @ any cost.

     The PA community, unlike any other group, has taken the brunt of this divisive assault that has become deeply ingrained in the medical profession, and more importantly, the ever-deepening damage it’s doing to all providers and patients alike throughout the western world and our country.

      From the moment the AMA went public minimizing and discrediting our profession, our industry contributions, etc. the opposition has been relentless & fierce. Among the numerous insults and accusations that have been hurled our way by those frightened by our success have been some of the  following:

● We’ve been called “Physicians wanna-be”.

● We’ve been called unsafe providers.

● We’ve been called unqualified deceptive healthcare providers.

     Just to name a few here. The one thing we haven’t been called yet? Probably has been visionary...That is thanks to the tireless work of thousands of our brothers and sisters seeking daily improved quality access to health care along with very few brave supporting physicians who seek to accept our brand & integrate us harmoniously into the very fabric of a fractured flawed industry.

      Fundamentally, I’m proud of them and those who see our adjudicative value.  I’m proud of our community for how hard we fight together for what we believe in despite all the industry naysayers.

       Shouldn't “Do No Harm” be the mantra by which we all measure our individual and collective actions by believing in giving everyone equal access to health care, in upholding the highest standards of medical ethics, and in unleashing a new era of life-saving medical breakthroughs? Shouldn't we also believe in allowing all professional medical providers to practice under the law to the highest scope of their practices thus helping everyone lead a healthier and happier life, regardless of who they are ( DPM, PA, NP, CRNA, OD, etc.)?

        Upon further reflection, I am hoping that we can overcome the forces that threaten the health and well-being of every American. We have a long way to go, and the forces arrayed against us are powerful. Yet, most of our fellow Americans and my fellow medical professionals/comrades realize this. We undoubtedly want a fair leveling playing field in which medical services are provided efficiently and transparently--nothing more nothing less. Is that simple.

        If we could only stop this bickering, finger-pointing we could elevate an industry beyond our imagination for 2023 and the years to come. Thank you for your professional tenacity, pride & hopeful outlook during these turbulent times. Keep the faith...despite the stories they like to tell.

The Resilience of the Pen

          In the journey toward a fulfilling career, particularly in the demanding realm of biomedical writing, the road is often fraught wi...