Thursday, December 28, 2023

FAQs: About PAs

        Through the years and throughout my career I have been asked many questions about PAs. While many different ones have been asked of me, seemingly they all seem to revolve around the four ones I will be covering in this piece/blog.

1. What is the Importance of  PAs in the Healthcare Industry? 

PAs are vital to the Healthcare Industry. The Affordable Care Act, which was enacted in 2010, recognized PAs for the first time as one of three primary care providers ( PAs, Nurse Practitioners, and Physicians ). The law also empowered & enabled PAs to basically lead patient-centered medical teams. Team-based care is at the core of a PA’s training. PAs practice with Physician-led teams and in a collaborative relationship with other members of a patient’s healthcare team. This combination is a major source of their strength & pride.

2. What can a PA do for me? How are PAs educated and trained?  

PAs are experts in general medicine. They undergo rigorous medical training. All PAs must graduate from an accredited PA program and pass a certification exam in general medicine to be licensed and certified. Much like physicians and NPs, PAs must complete extensive continuing medical education throughout their careers.

PAs diagnose, treat, and prescribe medications. Their education is modeled on the medical school curriculum, PAs learn to make diagnostic and therapeutic decisions while working with Physician-led teams & in collaboration with other members of the healthcare team. PAs are certified as medical generalists with a foundation in primary care. Throughout their careers, many PAs practice in two or three specialty areas, giving them deep experience and the flexibility to meet the changing needs of their patients, plus their employers and communities. Also, many PAs serve as surgeon's assistants & can be found in all surgical specialties.

PAs are trusted professional healthcare providers. Studies have shown that when PAs practice to the full extent of their abilities and training, hospital readmission rates and lengths of stay decrease, and infection rates go down. A Harris Poll found extremely high satisfaction rates among Americans who interact with PAs. The survey found that 93 % regard PAs as trusted healthcare providers, 92 %t said having a PA makes it easier to get a medical appointment and 91% percent believe that PAs improve the overall quality of care experience.

3. What is the demand/outlook for PAs in the marketplace?

PAs are in heavy demand. Three-quarters of PAs receive multiple job offers upon passing their initial licensing and certification exams. Studies show that the most financially successful hospitals maximize their use of PAs. The PA profession has been named by several top media outlets, including Forbes and USA Today, as the most promising job in America. The demand for PAs increased more than 300 percent from 2011 to 2014, according to the healthcare search firm Merritt Hawkins. As of December 2016, there were more than 115,500 PAs nationwide who interact with patients upwards of 350 million times annually, & 4,500 throughout Michigan & approximately 74 PAs throughout the HMC system ( i.e. clinics, urgent care, etc.) 

4. Where can I get more information about PAs?

You must  go to these PAs main websites:  &

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