Sunday, June 6, 2021

Political Correctness: Has it gone too far ?


      Traditionally, debates were once venues in which civil discourses would dissect & weigh in the pros and cons both, rationally and logically on a contested issue or a perspective with hopes of ( at best ) enlightening or dissuading the dissenting party by effecting change at a fundamental level. But it does appear to this author that in recent times, we have become so entrenched in our ideologies ( as wrong as they might be ) that we are at times blinded by our own amoral compass, skewed political views or simply outdate views of the world in which we live in. So we no longer listen politely to others.

It is during these stances that we fail ourselves to objectively reflect on the  meritorious points of view of the dissenting argument at hand just because we simply refuse to ponder these different or contrarian ideals to what we have been programmed to accept or believe as our own reality or world. Psychologically speaking, these threatened & insecure minds avoid transcending from their comfort zones even though it might be a momentary departure from such. Sadly, they prefer to remain myopic, stunted. This positional view often times fails to effect change by becoming a barrier or a hurdle; often times laying the foundation to biases and/or prejudices. 

        Better yet, another related deleterious effect seem commonly is the self-delusion of “I’m the better one or my position is the correct one”. Again all failing to move the group think forward. Conversely, I do realize the human mind is shaped and conditioned by many factors; from biology to gender, to culture, to education or even to some socioeconomic strata, but one common denominator that many “political correct “ folks have in common is their steadfastness to remain anchored in “filtered” or badly skewed information.

We all have been those folks during certain points in our lives. Why? Because it’s easier to deal with the known rather than stretch and/or exercise our intellect and welcome new perspectives or contrarian points of view. 

This wave of “political correctness” is making our society a handicapped one. One in which researching and philosophizing is too much work. Much like Jesus said, we should be equally desirous to ”give back to Caesar what belongs to him”.       

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