Sunday, August 8, 2021

Patient Safety Outcome Metrics Disputed: Where is the outrage of the Physician Assistant Community?


         The problem with half-truths, or media disinformation is that oftentimes they are actually believed if continually repeated or perpetuated. Unfortunately these incorrect spins can become deeply ingrained in the collective mind of people; especially when. grossly out of context or worse yet, not corrected contemporaneously by the reporting entities. Sadly, and  painfully, a very well known reality to all PAs who have experienced this stigmatization first-hand in their respective careers by the misinformed patient, practice manager or even dept head administrators. Even more troubling to this author is the apathetic indifference of many of our own peers who remain complicit with our detractors or opponents in this regard primarily the data ( patient safety outcome care metrics) reflect very similar clinical care outcomes between our physician counterparts and us-- the non-physician providers as some like to refer when compared by others.

As I am sure, you have noticed our profession has been malaligned for several years now. Whether it is overtly or not, we have yet to surmount a credible vigorous rebuttal campaign with political muscle in Washington,D.C. PAs for Tomorrow, a recently created Specialty interest group, split from the AAPA given their indifference or anemic stance when creating and developing the PA brand. While they may have been proactive in educating many in advancing our interests, at the end of the day they are somewhat limited since they rely mostly on donations and membership dues. Sadly, to this day, The AAPA has not advanced our brand aggressively nor launched a major national advertising campaign aimed @ focusing on our most pressing initiatives in the marketplace today. For example, nationwide OTP acceptance @ once...not 10 years from today, loss of employment parity due to the strong alignment of the AANP (nursing profession) with  strong lobbying supporters.These organizations openly support & fund generously the nursing profession,thus creating friendly Congressional allies. Unlike our community which we lag behind because have not learned “the Art of the deal” by being timid in advocating our own cause, so we remain where's the outrage from the PA community? Obviously yet to be heard.

But, if we continue being passive, uninvolved in our own affairs, the outcome of our professional destiny then will be fated. I hope that this incorrect patient safety narrative spewed by some physician groups through various informational outlets would be the catalyst in becoming the driving force to fundamentally change & awaken us from our collective passivity. 

It is my hope that we can all see that without this outrage, we cannot protect and preserve our significant professional advancement that our predecessors secured in our progressive professional evolution.

Stand up and oppose  professional misinformation or disinformation or even mischaracterization of a great profession that has served you & all of us well. Donate,  speak and or write  to debunk this flagrant lie. You must assert the truth when clarifying or inform others about our magnificent profession.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

PAs' & Puerto Rico: Are we there yet?

Patient-centric care: Has the pendulum swung too far?


         Frankly, many healthcare providers think so ( including this author ). Until recently, it was not much an issue for many clinicians. In fact, many healthcare providers embraced this about-face from the medical profession’s long-held stance of centuries old practice of paternalism. In the old model the mantra was: healthcare providers knew best,. However, nowadays, supporters of the new paradigm of patient centric-care have altered the playing field to such an extent that one would have never imagined anticipating that it would become one in which dictates the patient always knows best or is always correct.

         Who knew or would have anticipated the proponents and supporters of the “patient autonomy movement” would have garnered so much power in their own advocacy role to technically open the door to patients’ capriciousness creating such havoc. But, truthfully, can a provider assure the patient that their wellbeing and safety will not be jeopardized when the overseeing professional’s clinical judgment or guidance is removed or relegated from the clinical-decision making process all because the imperative mantra of patient satisfaction comes first?

         Isn’t this new imposed “business metric”  by HCOs “patient advocates” or office managers on practicing clinicians absurd?  Of course it is, if your tenure is “indirectly” threatened or being “blacklisted as an insubordinate” all because you were non-compliant with this loaded hypocritical economic metric. For example, I know of several colleagues who lost their jobs for not providing unneeded prescriptions for abusive demanding difficult patients. Since when patients' self-prescribed under our licenses?

         Personally, it infuriates me, when non-clinicians try to justify or relegate a medical encounter to a business transaction always under the pretext of patient satisfaction is paramount to the “satisfaction scores”. Even when superseding acknowledged contraindications even when not clinically indicated. For instance, a known prior documented PMHx of substance abuse/dependency and mental health issues in a given patient. Simply put: quite troubling if not beyond comprehension in these instances.

         Or prescribing antibiotics on non-meritorious clinical presentations, for example patients with clear viral syndromes is a very disingenuous if not a corrupted business practice. Patient satisfaction should not mean “carte blanche” treatments under no circumstances.

         So, are we ( the healthcare industry ) losing sight of what’s truly  really important? Yes, if we continue submissively accepting and practicing medicine under these lines of blurred expectations & downright unethical conflict of interests if you ask me. Burdensome and extremely short-sighted and/or professionally threatening as these mandates might appear, we, the medical community must individually & collectively remain vocal and resolute when denouncing these unrealistic and misguided expectations from other parties.

         To sum it up: respect for patient-centric care, not administrative threats is key to sound patient-provider relationships. Do not allow yourself ever to be pigeon-holed into thinking that a medical encounter boils down to a mere economic transaction or a survey metric. By doing so you’re basically allowing the demise and disrespect of our professional calling and standing in the industry. Moreover, you allow a pervasive view of financial gains trumping patient beneficence, thus allowing the subjective dimension of patients’ satisfaction scores rein unchecked and rein unbalanced, akin to allowing the pendulum to swing way too far...if you asked me.




Political Correctness: Has it gone too far ?


      Traditionally, debates were once venues in which civil discourses would dissect & weigh in the pros and cons both, rationally and logically on a contested issue or a perspective with hopes of ( at best ) enlightening or dissuading the dissenting party by effecting change at a fundamental level. But it does appear to this author that in recent times, we have become so entrenched in our ideologies ( as wrong as they might be ) that we are at times blinded by our own amoral compass, skewed political views or simply outdate views of the world in which we live in. So we no longer listen politely to others.

It is during these stances that we fail ourselves to objectively reflect on the  meritorious points of view of the dissenting argument at hand just because we simply refuse to ponder these different or contrarian ideals to what we have been programmed to accept or believe as our own reality or world. Psychologically speaking, these threatened & insecure minds avoid transcending from their comfort zones even though it might be a momentary departure from such. Sadly, they prefer to remain myopic, stunted. This positional view often times fails to effect change by becoming a barrier or a hurdle; often times laying the foundation to biases and/or prejudices. 

        Better yet, another related deleterious effect seem commonly is the self-delusion of “I’m the better one or my position is the correct one”. Again all failing to move the group think forward. Conversely, I do realize the human mind is shaped and conditioned by many factors; from biology to gender, to culture, to education or even to some socioeconomic strata, but one common denominator that many “political correct “ folks have in common is their steadfastness to remain anchored in “filtered” or badly skewed information.

We all have been those folks during certain points in our lives. Why? Because it’s easier to deal with the known rather than stretch and/or exercise our intellect and welcome new perspectives or contrarian points of view. 

This wave of “political correctness” is making our society a handicapped one. One in which researching and philosophizing is too much work. Much like Jesus said, we should be equally desirous to ”give back to Caesar what belongs to him”.       

Mixed Messages –Non-transparency corporate behavior... what corporate executives fail to see.

The business world is rife with contempt, unpredictability and unfairness. And so does the employing marketplace, especially when hearing or reading about uncertain revenue trends, increased regulatory burdens and/or inconsistent or challenging reimbursement models seen across the Healthcare industry. Naturally, many healthcare executive leaders or administrators are quickly to point out & “vent about their financial organizational hardships” and how imperative is for every organizational employee to be fiscally responsible if they are to survive the current & continuous economic turmoil faced everyday.

Unfortunately, given these financial stressors & “reality” to most healthcare organizations, frayed relationships are beginning to rise & negatively impact employee relationships with their CEOs & other deep-pocketed healthcare executives. Mostly due to deceitful dishonest corporate mandates or strategies used to curtail, eliminate or streamline ( roll-back) salary-benefits packages of Advance Practice Providers ( APPs ). These alleged “financial woes” as given & used on many CEO-employee forums rings untrue and is very hard to stomach when there’s a deceitful agenda behind it, particularly if the company is thriving.  

Many clinicians fear and stand to reason this compensational “imbalance” has increased the divide and added to the frustrating rage an element of distrust especially when these executives make their obscene year-end “bonuses”. And since most APPs are not union members, we tend to be the ”sacrificial lambs first”; after all, & often times we don’t have a voice nor representation as other company employees do. 

However, we do not need to see ourselves as the perennial sacrificial lambs as they would like us to think & see ourselves. Our professional interdependence is not a parasitic one rather a symbiotic one, technically that’s what we need to remind ourselves. We must not succumb to believing their “dualistic message” is the final word or amended dictated reality. We are in the driver’s seat sort-of-speak; both directly and indirectly we can exert a profound influence on “advertising” and let’s not forget “public relations”—vital core issues for any business enterprises. 

Yet, keeping in mind that the business world is not regular, simple nor  that industry forces are predictable, it’s best if collectively we remain flexible and adaptive in our transactional dealings with administrative executives.

We must realize that we are worthy professionals. Also, that we’re not doomed to be a submissive, subservient class because of protectionism views or activities exercised by other kindred groups in the industry. Our social reality is one of evolutionary progress as seen through the last few decades. Fallacious arguments and empty rhetoric must be scrutinized so we can think more rationally & proactively while not being fooled by half-truths, misleading corporate data or when sitting at the negotiating table with the non-transparent “bean counters”. 

This day and age calls for a new negotiating perspective for all PAs. One of a “healthy mistrust of authority”. One emphasizing unbiased facts, one requiring transparent probabilities and objectivity to all stakeholders/shareholders involved when seeking to find common grounds & simplify these business discussions. In addition, we must learn to live comfortable with the uncertainties of the business world. The truth is there’s no single guarantee of legitimacy or truth when it comes to the information age, only solid indicators of legitimacy. 

        So try not to put all your eggs in one basket when trying to make an informed decision, but at the same time don’t victimize yourself by procrastinating due to paralysis analysis… especially when debunking corporate fabrications regarding salary/benefit compression. 

Yet, time after time, whether privately employed or hospital employed, many APPs have found when they attempt to establish some form of dialogue to correct this disparity, or at the very least level the playing field then it becomes rather obvious to them we are to blame even though we’re always big revenue producers. How wrong is this? Don’t they realize that truthfulness goes a long way rather than obfuscation. Quite frankly, I would think this is not the role nor the message any transparent ( ethical “magnet” ) healthcare organizations would like to send to their internal/external constituents when portraying themselves as solid patient-centric community partners. Am I wrong? ( think of Enron,& Wells-Fargo for awful examples of unacceptable corporate behavior).


You [we] have a choice; our career transactions are not always fated. The days” of skepticism, pessimism, & illusionism are behind us. Moreover, we should be redefining this reality with optimism and a deeply rooted sense of APPs pride. We deserve it and earned it...rightfully ours.

The Resilience of the Pen

          In the journey toward a fulfilling career, particularly in the demanding realm of biomedical writing, the road is often fraught wi...