Sunday, June 6, 2021

A Professional Membership: How valuable is it?

      Over the last 5 years, I have been asking myself the same question over and over regarding my AAPA membership -- to renew or not to renew? A question that many of us grapple with while others don’t any longer when they receive their annual invitation / renewal letter to join or renew their membership. Much like many of you, I too, have wondered, if not wrestled with this recurring query of mine:  how much is an AAPA membership really worth in light of what we went through regarding the AAPA HOD's ambivalence of the name change for decades? What a better example of collective Paralysis Analysis...for the longest a never ending status quo--essentially.

      However, I suppose, in attempting to answer this question I/you could dissect this or approach it in many different ways; from a financial ( dues ) perspective, or / to from a benefits perspective, or some other perspective: well …you get the picture. Either way, trying to gauge the real value at first is not a simple task as it might seem, especially when you run into a few other secondary questions such as: 1) do the benefits add up?;  2) does the membership dues pays for itself over and over?

        Generally speaking, as anyone can see, and from an investment perspective, it boils down to this: is this a “risky” or a possible “rewarding investment opportunity” that I can’t afford to miss? Or can this reflective question take you beyond the often times expected knee-jerk-reflex response; do I renew or do I not renew my membership because of  X, Y, Z reasons?

        Obviously, whatever your reason(s) is/are, or whether to allow your membership to lapse or to renew, your ultimate decision will require significant consideration(s).  Chances are your expectations & professional needs to some degree will ultimately play into your final decision-making process. However, this has to be placed in context, meaning that both premises are quite different now; particularly compared from when you 1st started your career or evolved through the years. Somehow, like many of you, I feel some professional affiliations no longer offer the value that they once did. I can assure you the list can be long and personal, but that can be subject of discussion for a future occasion. However, let me share next why some PA organizational memberships value have diminished over the years for me.

        Simply because in my view, through the years AAPA's rhetoric gets updated, and/or recycled, but in essence often times these professional organization’s seek to serve only their agenda and in many cases not the group’s collective desired agenda. To a great extent, and pretty much what has been seen in recent years with the dwindling of AAPA’s membership numbers. They will be the first ones to openly admit it (as self-reported in their 2013-15 published strategic report ) about this issue.

        Essentially my personal views parallels with the underlying sentiment voiced by many of you in The Huddle as well as other PA forums/blog sites. Pretty much rooted  on felling an angst  over the past several years of being completely disenfranchised–ignored—from our very own AAPA.

       Therefore, the way I see it, is this: professional affiliation(s) should not pose any dilemmas for any paying due member nor should it have any dubious repercussions as to the overall membership value benefit. But it does for me as well as many others too. Basically in my experience, this has hold true when my membership lifetime benefits did not aligned themselves with my expected & desired goal (result) based on the longstanding hx of hesitation in the re-naming of our profession due to the well  known longstanding impasse in the AAPA’s HODs since 1994-- even this is no longer to be the case as we all know it.

        Thus, one can easily see why past poor organizational performance based on internal gridlock politics and unfinished business history has usurped the value of an AAPA membership in spite of all the buzz of the new elected AAPA leadership and their new polished rhetoric. Truthfully nothing more than “band-aid” politics throughout the history of the academy, even though this could one of the best substantive gain everyone has seen in recent times. Finally, our title has officially been approved by the HOD in May 24th,2021. So are we still going to remain brand-less for another five decades?

        So, if the culture (their mission/vision and corporate behavior) of a national or state chapter organization that you’re professionally affiliated with doesn’t align with your values and needs, then what’s the purpose of the membership?. Much like any other purchased service in our economic system you may want to belong to an organization whose culture aligns with your values and professional needs. Hoping to get a decent ROI for your buck--will we get it now? Only time will tell.



Second Acts: Reconnecting with the call…a new day


        After roughly 7-years of the fast-track in being an Emergency PA @ a Level I Trauma Center had finally gotten to me. This period in my career was preceded by starting out as a CVT Surgical PA x 2 years followed by 6.5 years of General Surgery. It was as if I had run into a concrete wall at full speed & force. The fun of it all when out the door in a hurry. The work-related pressures and/or responsibilities along with the political games had transformed me into a “clinical zombie” of sorts.

        More importantly, I took my own health for granted. But in the flip side there was a silver lining, one that I would have never imagined in my wildest dreams. So I sought to remedy my burnt out feeling as fast as I could. Luckily, I was given the opportunity to become a presenter/lecturer to 2 local PA programs. Also and coincidentally I serendipitously became a medico-legal consultant an expert reviewer. This came about from the many depositions I was involved during my years as a practicing EMPA. Who would have thought this personally perceived career nuisance would lead a to a new “niche” and a new skill set. One to this day has served me well in saving my career and indirectly providing longevity as well.

      As I reconnected with medicine during that period giving me a new career outlook, these impromptu new career-related opportunities led me to recharge my personal and survive that low period. In other words, to basically reconnect and get a “second wind” sort-of-speak. Looking back on these career-related experiences, now I can see how much it help me to remain afloat but to remain grounded and loyal to my early calling. From that point on, I moved and forged ahead into my niche-- a consulting expert.

      Looking back, for a moment I almost became a career changer. After all is very natural to toy with the idea when things have stalled or not going as planned. My plan was to have worked for less than 3 employers through my career. You know, like some of our colleagues [PAs] that have been very fortunate in being employed with only 1 employer throughout their careers. As one of my classmates fortunately did.

        I discovered that life and/or career my not always be a bed of roses, but among these twists and turns that we find ourselves thrown into, there's always hope and growth. And yes, even in some extreme cases of career spoilers, you can still have fun and move beyond the burnout point, but only if you recognize such feelings as negative attitudes that will delay or stunt your career growth and hinder your unconscious resolve to improve your immediate circumstances. Remain receptive to “second acts”…they can spur you to better and bigger things—trust me; I know a thing or two about this.

Two Costly Self-Marketing Blunders some PAs don’t realize


As a former co-interviewer, for various employers, I’ve noticed how some qualified job-seekers don’t get it when it comes to presenting themselves professionally to the world during their job hunting process—they are either oblivious or uncaring about their cyberspace presence on any prospective employer’s perceptions. Some PAs even detrimentally downplay two simple but huge elements about their personal identifying information. Many industry experts would quickly point out these glanced overt omissions can have significant ramifications; mostly negatively that is. So herein, are these two offending background items easily seen when their professional credentials are been reviewed. They will be briefly highlighted & discussed. 

1. A listed Unprofessional E-mail Address:

Today’s people e-mail addresses run the whole spectrum, you name it, from normal appearing & sounding to the ridiculous and offensive to the politically  incorrect. It’s probably alright to be creative & unique in showing your personality, but only if you if you’re employed in the media industry. Therefore, you don’t want your e-mail to showcase you as immature, and certainly not unprofessional. Sadly, for many this is their “Achille’s heel”, as many HR folks would attest in a heartbeat. This should not be a laughing matter, especially when something so apparently trivial can cast you in a negative light by hindering your career climb.  

2. An unflattering Cyberspace Photograph:

“Creepy”, ”unprofessional”, and/or “too seductive/sexy”, are often times the deciding factor for the rejection as HR folks quickly point out. One can see these one word descriptors are not exactly confidence builders. This is one of those instances in which you need to tone down a bit the excessive energy that people like to capture in those irreverent spontaneous moments in their lives. Instead, you need a good conservative professional looking head-shot. The goal here is to be deliberatively professionally appearing, conservative and not too over-the-top. Suffice it to say, go for the “banker” or “librarian look” instead of the Madonna look 

Physician Assistants in Name Only: Questionable PAs? II

Through the years I have worked with many accomplished PAs’. But not because I was privy to their resumes or CVs, but more because of the plurality of their titles and/or professional designations listed in their business cards or heavily embroidered after their names in their lab coats. You know…those folks like John Doe, CCRN, PT, R.Ph.,MSW, RT and finally PA-C. Some of them were great, and even flawless clinicians operating at the top of their game or so they thought when dealing with other people. 

But @ a closer look ( to me ) they had an “Achille’s Heel”; one that robbed them of professional respect among the eyes of other medical professionals. Sadly, at a basic level they failed to set themselves apart, meaning to separate their professional identification and/or consciousness from the unfocused “noise” all those other professional titles &/or designations created on the mind of others, including patients too amd their families. 

In other words, by showcasing their “PA-C” after a long list of other tittles they created this wondering feeling in so many others minds (including mine ) such as, have they “transitioned” or better yet, become “acclimated” to their new profession? Do they still need to showcase their accomplishments so heavily? If so, please use the right medium then-- list them in the resume! At least in that way they don't come across as "narcissistic" clinicians.

I get it; many PAs were ( are career ) changers & after all is natural to feel emotionally attached to a prior career, and even remain connected to it to some extent. But, if you asked this author if you want to be respected and taken seriously in your new profession then you must avoid sub-branding yourself unconsciously to the rest of the world. Basically, the way I see it, professional branding is based on singularity of  professional identity. In other words, as to how you perceive yourself as well as how others perceive your role. Clearly professional ambiguity and/or “failure-to-align” with your peers ( the PA community ) should be the last message you convey to others in your professional career dealings with all others.


Case in point, Physicians as a group & individually seem to understand this concept better than any other healthcare professionals. Why? Because in all these years, I have yet to see a doctor engage in this practice. And if they have any secondary terminal degrees or other professional designation, it’s always listed after their “MD” and not more than two or three as opposed to the “alphabet soup” seen in many kindred healthcare professionals.

Much like the old Biblical passage says in 1 Corinthians 13:11: “when I was a child, I spoke, I acted  & I  thought like a child, however, when I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.” Shouldn’t  you put those prior careers or professional designations behind you; be truthful & proud of your new professional designation? Stand tall...always!

Monday, May 31, 2021

A Growing Intolerant View of Advance Practice Providers --so why is that?

       All relationships change or evolve over time. And for better or worse, that is a fact of life. Case in point, a good example of that is our very own inter-professional association with our physician colleagues; one which has undergone and continues to undergo some changes even today. Naturally many factors play into this situation.

      Clearly, speaking of factors one can see Advanced Practice Providers SOP ( scope of practice ) has been evolving too in recent years. Therefore, as time has progressed, one can see our interdependent association has lessened during these times. In fact, professionally speaking we are more autonomous these days than we were in the early days as practicing delegated clinicians. Evidence of this advancement can be seen in recently passed legislative updates nationwide. Full Practice Authority with NPs and Optimum Team Practices are the prime examples that come to mind when one sees the evolvement of our scope of practice, for both, NPs and PAs respectively.. 

But, this recognition has come with a price along with an increasing slanderous backlash trend from multiple physician associations and the very own physician community. Particularly the AMA being one of the most vocal & unsupportive organizations of all of them.

  So why is this phenomenon more noticeable these days to the advanced practice providers community?

  Simple, our past paternalistic association with our former paternalistic colleagues mindset has been slowly dismantled and eroded to the point that nowadays patient care is no longer physician-centric as it used to be in the old days. Much to their chagrin, the updated model of team-based medicine has emerged in many respects as more Advanced Practice Providers-friendly if not downright nursing-centric. Obviously, this industry inclusive move has drawn a wedge between physician and non-physician providers. The displacement of their past industry power has shaken the longstanding traditional hierarchical view of the antiquated system. Thus, apparently this subtle status displacement has intensified and fueled their resentment and professional insecurities to the point of openly disparaging and criticizing our quality patient care outcomes very openly. Hence, the daily misledia continues to inaccurately and @ times deceitfully advance biased stories. These half-truths of their irresponsible reporting at times subtlety cloaked in the form or the guise of patient safety concerns are fundamentally wrong when hypocritically shown to the medical consumer.

Sadly, this disturbing painted picture of sub-par care provided by APPs is nothing more than a negative discrediting rhetoric & projected/transferred professional insecurities of their own. 

The Resilience of the Pen

          In the journey toward a fulfilling career, particularly in the demanding realm of biomedical writing, the road is often fraught wi...