Sunday, December 18, 2022

One PA's dream


PAs are a very diverse group, if not an eclectic one. Yet, having been one myself for the past 34 years, I know and feel like I am no different from my peers. We all have and share some same professional needs and career desires, Nevertheless, I believe and feel this dream of mine is pretty universal...I suppose. So. let me depict that dream for you, if I may.

        I get up every morning and stick my head under a hot shower head after shaving the night before. I get my lunch bag ready and I shuffle off to work while listening to the radio on my commute. Once in the hospital, I checked the surgical board seeking for added “emergent” cases that were added in between the elective cases. scheduled for that day  Shortly after, I meet with the ortho team (residents) and we go over the service patients list and divide the workload accordingly before reconvening at the end of the day one more time.

       However, as much as I try to keep my mind on my work, I can not help myself having fleeting visions of my dream in my head throughout the day. In that dream, every PA is respected, but moreover recognized & treated professionally by all other team members including the hospital administrators, the department heads or managers, etc. In that dream, PAs are not viewed as second-tier providers when compared to other Advanced Practice Clinicians or even by some misinformed recruiters or better yet: misinformed patients

       In that dream, we are recognized with legislative equity and parity, without regulatory barriers or reimbursement constraints. In that dream, not only do we continue validating our established reputable industry legacy, but we surpass it by taking ourselves to new heights of professional respect and universal recognition even in the eyes of the detractors.

        While no one has the luxury of daydreaming @ work all day long, nor do we think we may have a choice in the matter of improving our group destiny, the truth is, we can if we convincingly unite as a single voice and educate and speak out against those who seek to divide us or deprive us of our remarkable great professional advancement over the past half-century.

         Hopefully, in the near future, it will no longer be a dream but an affirmed daily reality!

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